Diagnostic Methods of Ayurveda

Acharya Charaka has said that correct diagnosis is very essential before planning of proper treatment. There are various factors that can affect health such as diet, life style and some external factors. Ayurveda treats according to the Prakriti(nature) of an individual and  thus proper diagnosis is required before prescribing the medicine.

Roga Pariksha


Roga Pariksha or diagnosis of a disease is not only important rather it is the foremost part for further positive results. The correct diagnosis of a disease is essential in curing the disease.

Tridosha imbalance

Ayurveda believes that diseases occur due to the imbalance of three vital components known as “Tridosha” i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The Tridosha imbalance may occur due to improper diet & lifestyle and need to be diagnosed properly for specific treatment of a particular disease.

Looking at the  importance of Dosha imbalance, Ayurveda suggests some points that needs to be considered as diagnostic tools; known as Nidana Panchaka (Five diagnostic factors).

Nidana Panchaka (Five diagnostic factors)

By knowing the concept of Nidana Panchaka physician can diagnose the disease at an earlier stage and hence forth can plan for the treatment well there by preventing further complications.

These Nidana Panchaka are –

  1. Nidana (Cause)
  2. Purvarupa (Prior to symptoms)
  3. Rupa (Symptoms of disease)
  4. Upashaya (Investigative methods or relieving and aggravating factors)
  5. Samprapti (Disease prognosis or Pathogenesis)

Pancha Nidana

Nidana (Etiology /Causes)

Nidana considers the disease causing factors like diet, life style, environmental factors and injuries as sources of any diseases which overall leads the imbalance of Doshas. The ancient text of Ayurveda correlates causative factors with the type of Dosha associated with disease.

In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana or “avoiding the cause” is considered as the first line of treatment in most of the diseases.

It will not only support right treatment protocol but also help in designing a good diet and lifestyle protocol. Many disorders can be avoided by following the wholesome and good parts of life.

Purvarupa (Prior to symptoms)

Purvarupa considers initial sign and symptoms of disease. These symptoms may term as warning symptoms for any particular disease and appear before the other aggravated symptoms appeared. These prodromal features helps to know the Dosha responsible for that particular disease but not the nature of forthcoming disease.

Each disease has specific preliminary signs. Purvarupa approach believes that many diseases may have similar sign and symptoms but their initial features may vary thus disease can be diagnosed accurately initially and treat accordingly.

These Purvarupa helps in –

  1. For proper diagnosis of a disease
  2. Differential diagnosis of a disease
  3. For treatment of disease
  4. For prognosis of disease

Rupa (Symtoms of disease)

Rupa considers main sign and symptoms of a disease as actual manifestation process. This is a prompt and well defined stage of disease with clear-cut specified symptoms. The Rupa can be considered as advanced form of the warning signs.

When the Rupa appears, the disease become more pronounced obvious and clearly defined symptoms. These symptoms and Doshas are inseparably associated with each other throughout the disease.

If all the symptoms of disease are appeared, then that disease is difficult to cure.

Upashaya (Exploratory method)

Many diseases having special preliminary signs and symptoms these are the basic consideration of Upashaya applied for the some special type of diseases. The investigation and treatment options involve utilization of proper diet, herbal remedies or physical therapies. Dietary changes may be recommended to confirm suspected diagnosis.

Upasaya and Anupasaya help in treatment of disease. If we know the causative factor of any disease simply we can plan for specific treatment. By the use of Anupasaya (aggravating) or Upasaya (relieving factors) we can diagnose the disease.

Samprapti (Pathogenesis)

Samprapti is to get the proper knowledge about the pathway of the disease manifestation. This provides complete knowledge of the disease and its development stages, starting from the causes to the final stage of investigation. This approach considers role of Doshas as well as the location where the imbalance prompt (Dushya). This approach takes each and every stage of disease development as tool of diagnosis and treatment.

The Dosha vitiated due to various Nidanas are moving in various directions in the body. Depending upon the cause or type of vitiation and direction or route followed by the vitiated Doshas, there is a settlement at the defective site or organs and produce variety of disease.

So, Each component of Nidana Panchaka individually as well as collectively helps in
diagnosis of disease.
If one component indicates towards a disease then other aspects of Nidana Panchaka confirm the diagnosis.



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