Definition of Healthy Person

Who is healthy?

One who is established in self,  who has balanced doshas, balanced agni, properly formed dhatus, proper elimination of malas, well functioning bodily processes and whose mind, soul and senses are happy is called a healthy person.

Sama dosah samagnis ca sama dhatu mala kriyah prasannamendriya manah vastha ityabhidhiyate

Sushruta Samhita 15.38

Modern healthcare system based on Allopathy is focused on disease management according to symptoms, Ayurveda on the other hand puts emphasis on the prevention of disease.

Tri DoshaVata, Pitta, Kapha

Equilibrium of the three Doshas is the prime part of health. The Doshas are fundamental physiological governing principles of the body. The Sama Dosha (equilibrium of the three dosha) is achieved by daily routine and seasonal purification of excessive Dosha.

Sama Agni

Balanced condition of 13 (Jatharagni ,Dhatvagni ,Bhootagni ) Agni’s which are responsible for digestion and metabolism is required for healthy state. Most of the disease are from imbalance of Agni (fire). According to ayurveda these are categorized as below:

  • 1 Jatharagni (digestive fire),
  • 7 Dhatvagni (metabolic transformation or tissue metabolism)
  • 5 Bhootagni (of five basic elements )

Ayurveda describes diet and nutrition covering the taste, quality of food, time of the day and season and state of body physiology.

Sama Dhatus

Balanced condition with proper nutrition and expulsion of waste products from body of Sapta Dhatus like –

  1. Rasa (Body fluid)
  2. Rakta (Blood and connective tissue)
  3. Mansa (Muscular tissue)
  4. Meda (Adipose tissue)
  5. Asthi (Bony tissue)
  6. Majja (Bone marrow and nervous tissue)
  7. Shukra (Reproductive tissue of male and female both)

All seven Dhatus or principles that uphold the formation of body tissues with their subtypes (Upadhatus) need to be in balanced state. Dhatu potentiation and quality improvement is done by Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapy.

Sama Malas

There must exist a balanced condition of Mutra (Urine) ,Purisha (Stool) and Sweda (Sweat) – The three Malas (waste products of human physiological activities) in a healthy person.

One should avoid suppression of natural urges and evacuate and clean body cavities regularly. It helps to detoxify our body continuously and keeps a person healthy.

Prasanna Atma – Happiness of inner soul

The Atma or Soul is different from the body but at the same time is responsible for all the actions of the body. The concept of Prasanna Atma has its focus on recognizing right from wrong. The human beings should behave in the right manner in order to achieve happiness of inner soul.

Prasanna Indriya -Happiness of sense organs

Happiness of sense organs or proper functioning of sense organs. Indriya or sensory faculties (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and psyche should be working well in coordination with body and the person is in a state of bliss.

Prasanna Mana – Happiness of heart and mind

According to Ayurveda , happiness of heart and mind (without stress) is very important and critical to stay healthy. Mind and the body are not separate; what happens to one influences the other. There can be no mental health without physical health and vice versa, and one’s entire life and lifestyle must be in harmony before one can truly be called healthy

Ayurveda covers complete homeostasis of all body humours for a healthy and happy person. All the health parameters like physical, mental and spiritual are included in it.



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