Khalitya (Hair fall or Baldness) – Cause, Symptoms and Treatment


Hair makes our body externally attractive and makes a person mentally and physically healthy. Khalitya (Hair fall) is the most common problem now a days. It is increasing day by day because of busy life style, stress, polluted environment, unhealthy diet and fast food. Dandruff is also the main cause of it.

Ayurveda and Hair fall

Ayurveda described that sudden onset of hair fall is Indralupta and progressive hair fall is called Khalitya (Hair fall). Indralupta demands care and attention.
It is a Tridoshaja Vyadi i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha and Rakta Dosha also involved in it. Pitta Dosha and Rakta Doshas are dominant in Khalitya.

Vitiated Rakta and Kapha Dosha block the opening of hair follicle, which prevent growth of new hairs. In Khalitya, Falling of hairs is a continue process but new hair does not appear and leads to baldness.

In modern science, it is considered as alopecia. Alopecia is loss of hair from part of the head or body typically at least head is including. Severity of hair loss can vary from a small area to entire body.

Why hair fall occurs?

In some people’s hair loss is a cause of psychological distress. Polluted air increases production of oil on scalp leading to fungal infection (dandruff) subsequently develop skin infection (scalp folliculitis) that wreak havoc on moisture content of hairs leaving them dry, brittle, frizzy, split ended & finally hair fall.

Classification of Alopecia

Alopecia classified into two groups that are –

1. Scarring alopecia: – Fibrosis, inflammation and loss of hair follicle, smooth scalp with decrease number of follicular opening is scaring alopecia.
2. Non-scarring alopecia: – Hair follicles are preserved without hair shaft.

Treatment of Hair fall

Treatment of hair fall depends upon causative agent and constitution of a person. It vary from person to person according to age group, season, diet, climate, passion and mentally condition. So, specific treatment of any disease, according to Ayurveda, is very difficult task but a line of treatment can be drawn. Treatment of disease will be around to it.

Nidana Parivarjana (Prevention of causative agent)

First line of treatment is “Avoid the causative agent. One should avoid junk food like potato chips, burger, pizza, etc., stress, improper sleep, constipation, and anger. These are the responsible factors for the vitiation of Doshas. When one has removed the causative agent, many diseases limits itself.

Samshodhan Chikitsya (Purification therapy)

Panchkarma therapy is the name of purification therapy of Ayurveda. It purify our body and its systems deeply with expelling out vitiated Doshas from it. According to condition or chronicity of disease, these steps can be changed. These are –

  • Abhyanga (massage)
  • Swedana (sudation)
  • Vamana (vomiting with medicines)
  • Virechana (purgative medicines)
  • Nasya (nasal installation of medicines)
  • Raktamokshana (bloodletting)

Samshamana Chikitsya (Suppression Therapy)

When any disease is treated with the help of various Ayurvedic formulations and Rasayana herbs, it is called suppression therapy. These medicines and herbs suppress the vitiated Doshas and cure hair fall. It includes – Triphala Churana, Bhringraja Churana, Amlaki Rasayana etc.


Srwangaasan is very fruitful for the treatment of hair fall.

Dhoopana Karma

With the help of Dhoopan Dravyas, dandruff related hair fall can be treated very successfully.

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