28.5 million tonnes of Alluring Garlic and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Garlic belongs to the genus Allium and is closely related to the onion, scallion, chive, leek, and shallot. According to the data available, the worldwide production of Garlic stood at 28.5 million tonnes in 2018 with China alone accounting 78% of the production. Garlic has been used by humans for thousands of years and was used in ancient civilizations for both culinary purposes and its health and therapeutic benefits. It is an important ingredient in almost all savory dishes.

Known as the father of western medicine, the ancient Greek physician – Hippocrates – used to prescribe garlic for a wide range of illnesses. He promoted the use of garlic for treating fatigue, respiratory problems, parasites, poor digestion, and more. The original Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece were given garlic – as “performance enhancing” agents used in sports.

Starting its journey from ancient Egypt, garlic spread to the advanced ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley (Pakistan and western India today), and from there, it made its way to China.

The people of ancient India were aware of the therapeutic properties of garlic and also thought it to be an aphrodisiac. The upper classes in ancient India avoided garlic because they despised its strong odor. Also garlic because of its stimulant quality was not supposed to be consumed by widows, monks, adolescents, and those who had taken up a vow or were fasting.

Lifestyle disorders are more prevalent today than any other time in history due to a lack of time and a busy schedule. Arthritis is one of the lifestyle disorder which is most common of all are the musculoskeletal diseases. Arthritis leads to various forms of joint and bone diseases which affect all age group. In rheumatoid arthritis, the lining layer becomes thick, and the inflammatory cells filter into the sub lining portion. It contains diallyl disulfide an anti-inflammatory compound, that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Garlic can help fight inflammation and may even help prevent cartilage damage from arthritis. 

Garlic and Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis)

Ayurveda considers that Amavata is due to the vitiation of Vata Dosha and the deposition of Ama (intermediate metabolite) in the body. Arthritis is reported to have a natural cure with the help of various natural herbs, garlic is one of them. It corrects the imbalance of Vata and digests intermediate metabolites. In Charaka Samhita, garlic is reported as a drug for the heart as well as arthritis. It has the highest free radical reducing capacity.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the oldest cultivated herbal and spice plants. It was used in
World War II for the treatment of wounds.

How does Garlic helps in Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Garlic contains various sulfur compounds, protein and inorganic elements such as –

  • Alliin
  • Allicin
  • Diallyl sulfide
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Polyphenols
  • Various amino acids


Allicin is released when garlic is crushed or chopped. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and also offers antioxidant benefits. As an important organosulfur compound in garlic, Allicin is effective in fighting numerous health problems. These include arthritis, cancer, microbial infections, animal bites, digestion-related problems, and more. Also in the alternative system of medicine Allicin is said to protect against high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and also atherosclerosis.

Alliin; Diallyl Sulfide

Sulfur compounds from garlic such as alliin, diallyl sulfide, and more are involved in suppressing inflammatory factors. On average, a garlic bulb contains about 1% alliin, the chief organosulfur compound. Cutting or crushing of garlic releases the enzyme alliinase, which rapidly converts alliin to allicin, the chief volatile organosulfur compound. Further metabolism of allicin produces lipid-soluble allyl sulfur compounds – diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS), and diallyl trisulfide (DATS). Diallyl disulfide, an organosulfur compound present in garlic decreases the activity of protease that degrades the matrix in cells.


Compounds derived from garlic have been used to specifically target the inflammatory factors involved in arthritis pathways.

  • Increase in the viability of chondrocytes cells.
  • Reduction in type-II collagen degradation.
  • Inhibit the production of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α.
  • Reduces cell stress and cell death of chondrocytes.
  • Uracil, S-allyl cysteine, and caffeine were also reported to inhibit the activity of the arthritis signaling pathways.
  • Selenium reduces the effect of rheumatic diseases.



  1. Garlic and Its Role in Arthritis Management
  2. Best Spices for Arthritis

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