Garlic for Cancer

For centuries, Garlic have been used in a wide variety of cuisines worldwide and are valued for their potential medicinal properties. During the first Olympic Games in Greece, garlic was consumed as a stimulant and in Roman times, soldiers chewed garlic before battle for strength. Presently, these vegetables continue to hold their fascination for their unique flavor, chemistry, and biological properties.

Garlic is most important spice that is useful in treating cancer. Garlic has natural antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral. Cancer prevention properties related to its antibacterial and antioxidant effects in the body.

Allium is the Latin word for garlic.

Garlic kills Cancer cells

It has the ability to inhibit the production of cancer-causing properties and speed up the repairing process of DNA and to decreases the proliferation of cancer cells. Several compounds are involved in garlic’s possible anticancer effects.

Garlic(Lasuna) contains allyl sulfur and other compounds that slow or prevent the growth of tumor cells.

Organosulfur compounds of garlic are shown to reduce expression and activation of multiple cell-growth stimulatory proteins and to target most of the cancer hallmarks. S-allyl cysteine from garlic suppresses the growth of human prostate cancer cells, researches has been established it.

Peeling garlic releases an enzyme called allinase. If garlic is cooked immediately after peeling, the allinase is inactivated and the cancer-fighting benefit of diallyl disulfide is lost. Some scientists recommend waiting 15 minutes between peeling and cooking garlic to allow the allinase reaction to occur.

Garlic for all types of Cancer

Regular intake of Garlic has shown good results in of the stomach cancer, colon cancer, esophagus cancer, pancreas cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer and in some cases the risk has been reduced up-to 50% .

The knobs and cloves of garlic contain high levels of sulfur, flavonoids and selenium. When it is crushed, chopped or bruised, produces the compound allicin.

How does Garlic helps in Cancer ?

It is garlic’s antibacterial properties that may help to prevent cancer as well as its ability to enhance genetic repair, slow down cell proliferation, and prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body.

Three of the cancer-fighting compounds in garlic include:


A powerful plant compound that is antibiotic and anti-fungal. This substance is strong enough to cause blisters if you get too much on your skin, but allicin fades quickly after it is produced. Cooking speeds the breakdown of allicin, and microwave cooking appears to kill it and destroy the health benefits.


Aromatic plant compounds that are considered to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds fight cancer by preventing cell damage.

Selenium and allyl sulfides

Both of these plant chemicals may be anti-mutagens, or substances that prevent cancer by blocking damage to cells’ DNA or stimulating the body to repair damaged DNA.


  1. Does Garlic Reduce Your Risk of Cancer?
  2. Garlic and onions: Their cancer prevention properties

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