Garlic for Skin Diseases

In Lasuna (garlic) organosulfur compounds has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties and it helps to kill the bacteria causing acne.

It also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation and improve blood circulation. These beneficial effects allow the skin to receive more nutrients. Garlic also has thiosulfinates, which can act as an antimicrobial. Many believe that it clears the skin when use it regular.

Garlic with many benefits

Garlic is used in leucoderma, psoriasis; scabies etc. as it causes digestion of skin penetrated vitiated Kapha and pacifies Vyana Vayu.

Garlic is great in complexion improvement – Bluish black pigmentation appearing on the face due to obstruction of channels caused by Kapha to the movement of Udana Vayu is cleared by its juice given with ghee.

It gives strength to Bhrajaka Pitta which is responsible for skin pigmentation.

How does Garlic helps in Skin Disease?

Garlic contains vitamins and minerals that are believed to combat acne, like vitamin C, vitamin B-6, selenium, copper and zinc. Garlic has also been shown trusted source to have potential effects on several medical conditions like cancer, psoriasis, and wound healing. Some studies have shown that garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are believed to help reduce the inflammation of acne.

Take a clove of garlic and make cuts in it to extract the garlic juice. Rub the garlic on your pimple. If you have a whitehead, β€œit will be gone instantly and won’t come back,” Dhukai says. If you have a larger pimple beneath the surface, rub the garlic on it and leave it overnight.


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