Lasuna- Garlic for Digestive System

Garlic will help not only to eliminate bad bacteria, yeast and parasites, but also to regulate blood sugar levels, enhance fat burning, reduce hunger sensations, lower cholesterol, relieve arthritic pain and reduce bowel gas.


It benefits the intestines and reduces inflammation. Eating raw garlic helps to clear out intestinal worms.

Usage of Garlic

It should be used in imbalanced digestive fire, tastelessness, indigestion, constipation, pain, worms and Kapha – Vataja disease. Garlic acts as appetizer and analgesic due to pungent and hot qualities, laxative due to oily and heavy qualities and liver stimulant and wormicidal due to its tastes.

Garlic is great and should be used in Kapha – Vata piles being laxative, anti-pruritic and anti-spasmodic as it is liver stimulant and removes stasis in the portal circulation, should not be used in haemorrhoids. Kapha aggravation caused in stomach causes low fire, indigestion and spasm due to Kapha covered Samana Vayu.

Rasona baked with ghee eliminates Kapha and causes onward movement of Samana Vayu to give relief. Kapha- Vata condensation is eliminated by removing accumulated Kapha and causing Vata onward movement by the use of Rasona medicated milk.

Rasona medicated buttermilk is used in diarrhoea, cholera, sprue and colitis to pacify Samana Vayu.


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