Lasuna -Garlic for Respiratory system infection

Fresh or raw garlic has proven antibacterial and antiviral since ancient time and same effect shown in laboratory studies. Garlic protects our body from inside and outside by preventing infections.

Allicin, active compound of garlic, acts as a powerful antibiotic agent. It helps overcome respiratory infections that clog our lungs which leads to breathlessness, congestion and trigger life threatening lung infections. It also helps reduce inflammation, improves asthma and reduces the risk of lung cancer.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs mostly. Garlic is more effective in the peoples suffering with cystic fibrosis.

Lasuna is useful for cough, asthma, hoarseness of voice, rhinitis, tuberculosis and hiccough. Garlic has property of liquefaction of Kapha that is sticky in lungs. Oil of garlic has property of cough expectorant due to its penetration power. The oil prevents the growth of tuberculosis bacteria. Medicated milk should be used in internal and external chest trauma to heal the cavity.

Rasona causes Prana onward movement and pacification in Vata-Kapha diseases of the chest. Rasona and Pippali gives immediate relief in rhinitis associated with tuberculosis. It should be used as diet for children to pacify Kapha present in the chest.

 A research study shows that garlic effectively decreases the growth of infectious bronchitis causing virus. So, as a natural remedy for bronchitis, garlic can be used.

Caution: – Use garlic with caution if you have a bleeding disorder. Always take it in small amounts to make sure it doesn’t upset your stomach.



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