Bibhitaki (Beddannut /Belliric Myrobalan) – Properties

Bibhitaki is one of the contain of Triphala powder and several Rasayana medicines. Bibhitaki fruits are mentioned as having qualities to alleviate disease and enhance longevity, intellectual power and strength of body.


Botanical nameTerminalia bellirica Roxb.
Family nameCombretaceae
English nameBeddannut or Belliric Myrobalan
Hindi nameBahera
Karsha Phala


Bibhitaki is a deciduous tree of 60 to 80 ft average height, common on plains and lower hills, having long, erect stem with dark brown bark.

Leaves are about 8 to 20 cm long, alternate, oval shaped and crowded toward the ends of the branches.

Fruits are hairy, rounded or oval shaped with longitudinal ridges.

Flowers are whitish or yellowish, grouped and uni sexual or bisexually both.

Chemical composition

  • Chebulagic acid
  • Gallic acid
  • Mannitol
  • Lignans
  • Ellagic acid

Rasa Panchaka

  • Rasa
    • Kashaya (astringent)
  • Guna
    • Laghu (easy to digest)
    • Ruksha (dry)
  • Virya Ushana (hot in potency)
  • Vipaka Madhura (sweet)

Action on Dosha

  • Tri Dosha Shamaka, mainly Kapha Shamaka

Useful part – Fruit, Oil of Kernel

Dose – 3 to 6 gm powder mix with honey or water.


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