Garlic – 10 captivating cures of Garlic

Garlic is a perennial plant having its origins in central Asia. It is now grown in many parts of the world. It has been used for over 3,000 years in different parts of the world for treatment as well as prevention of various health conditions. The plants reach heights of two or more feet. The bulb of Garlic which is used as a remedy consists of up to twenty cloves.

Supplements from garlic are made in different ways – fresh, aged, dried, or oil-based, with each form affecting the body in a different way.

It is now being recognized by experts in modern medicine for its effectiveness and numerous health benefits. Many bacteria that resist conventional antibiotics are susceptible to garlic.

A single clove of Garlic contains just 4 calories, but is full of a wide variety of minerals like Potassium; Iron; Calcium; Phosphorous; Magnesium; Copper; Zinc; Sulfur; Selenium and Germanium. Apart from minerals it also contains Vitamin B1 – Thiamine; Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin; Vitamin B3 – Niacin; Vitamin B5 – Pantothenic acid; Vitamin B6; Vitamin B9 – Folate; Vitamin C; Protein and Fiber. Last, but not the least, it contains only 1 gram of sugar for 100g of garlic.

10 captivating cures of Garlic 2
10 captivating cures of Garlic

Garlic for immunity

Eating garlic regularly can boost the number of virus-fighting T-cells in your bloodstream. This increase in T-cells comes in handy as the colds and flu are because of viral infections. Garlic gets its anti-inflammatory properties from allicin, which is released when the clove is crushed or chopped.

Garlic for Respiratory system

Garlic has been traditionally used to treat cold and cough. It also boosts the immune system and help ease asthma symptoms. Garlic juice is beneficial in all problems due to tubercular bacilli like sinus, lung disease, and laryngitis as well as chronic cough, whooping cough, gangrene of lungs and pneumonia. Allicin a compound in garlic is known to be beneficial in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease afflicting lungs.

Garlic for Malaria fever

Garlic is very useful to treat malaria fever. It has a potency to kill the virus which is responsible for malaria. For treating Malarial fever – Garlic mixed with oil should be used before meals.

Garlic for Dandruff

Garlic oil with its high anti-inflammatory properties and sulfur helps calm inflamed skin, and prevents itchiness caused by dandruff. Massage your scalp thoroughly with garlic oil gives good results in dandruff.

Garlic for Typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by contaminated water or food. It affects the gastrointestinal tract and then spreads to the bloodstream. It is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. Poor hygienic conditions, unsafe drinking water, and contaminated food generally are the main cause of typhoid.

4 ml Garlic juice mixed with Sharbata or cold infusion is very useful in fever.

Garlic for pain

Pain in human body can result from innumerable reasons. Garlic paste is applied externally for all types of pain like sciatica, lumbar pain, facial paralysis, joint pain, and also in chest congestion.

Garlic for Migraine

A neurological condition, Migraine is characterized by intense, severe headaches. Symptoms may also include nausea, vomiting, difficulty in speaking, numbness or tingling, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines often run in families and affect all ages. 1-2 drops of fresh juice of garlic are put in nostrils of persons suffering from migraines in the morning for 3 days to get complete relief locally.

Garlic for ear pain

Garlic is very effective herb for ear pain. Garlic cloves are fried in mustard oil, and the oil on cooling is used as ear drops. The treatment is known to provide instant relief.

Garlic for Blood sugar

It is proved that garlic reduced blood sugar level. One or two clove of garlic taken daily with milk help in maintaining blood sugar level.

Garlic for skin Disease

Garlic is rich source of sulphur which is established compound for skin diseases. Mustard oil boiled with Garlic is used for scabies, abscess and ring worm.

 A juice of garlic forms a valuable medicine for asthma, hoarseness, cough, the difficulty of breathing and other disorders of lungs, particularly in chronic bronchitis.

Read: Ayurveda Rasayana Diaries – Garlic


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