Hey 007!! Find Your Great Daily Routine Rhythm


Balance is at the core of all Ayurveda teachings. A healthy mind always leads to a healthy body; what you think affects how you feel physically; what you eat and drink also has an effect on your mind. Ayurveda’s focus in daily life is based on Dincharya, Din: day, Acharya: behavior- the daily routine.

Ayurveda recommends that in order to be optimally healthy our bodies should be aligned to nature’s master cycle which in turn regulates the various other rhythms. Every day two cycles of change pass through us, each bringing a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha predominance. Following a Dincharya, or daily routine aligns us with nature’s rhythms each day

Why Dincharya?

Lifestyle-induced diseases like heart disease, cancer; diabetes, and chronic lung disease are responsible for almost 70% of all deaths worldwide. Many of these are preventable by implementing changes, in the way we live our lives. Discipline is the key.

A daily routine is nothing but discipline implemented in the right context. Practicing this discipline helps to establish a balance between one’s body, mind, and consciousness. The daily routine brings about a transformation in – body, mind, and consciousness. It also regularizes a person’s circadian rhythm, aids digestion, absorption, and assimilation. At the other level, it generates self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness, and longevity.

Our daily routines play an important role in our long term health. Every decision we take throughout the day – the foods we eat, the lifestyle choices we make, even the subtle thoughts we think do impact the way we look and feel. Practiced regularly, the routine helps to support a life of optimal wellness through detoxification and nourishment.

Daily routine enlightens us on how to live a healthier, happier, longer life by avoiding the path of diseases.

Dinacharya : Align our Natural Rhythm

It’s true that when it comes to making decisions to support our health we are sometimes found wanting. It takes awareness, discipline, and dedication to establish healthy habits. These very habits become the starting point of an Ayurvedic journey and self-care routine may be the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.

Ayurveda says that the body changes itself according to the season, age, and day – night time. One should change his / her daily routine and food habits according to these changes. This balances Tridosha, and brings in a healthy condition. An unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits are two root causes for the vitiation of Doshas which results in disease.

4 Factors responsible for lifestyle disorders

Primarily four major factors are responsible for the increased incidence of lifestyle disorders ;

Daily routine Dincharya 
lifestyle disorders
Daily routine
  • Smoking or use of tobacco in any form
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol,
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Unhealthy food habits.

Ayurveda and Lifestyle disorders

Ayurveda has a great potential to prevent lifestyle disorders with the help of Dincharya. A daily routine based on the philosophy of Ayurveda helps us to connect with nature. It makes us conscious of our natural surroundings. Ayurveda – an ancient science, describes many ways to prevent and treat lifestyle diseases. These are Rasayana therapy (rejuvenation), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), and Swasthavritta (personal hygiene). Yoga is also a part of Ayurveda which plays a key role in healthy living.

 Dincharya – The Process

Dincharya (daily regimen) starts from getting up early in the morning to bedtime. It consists of Malotsarga (Evacuation of waste products and toxins of body), Dantadhavana (Dental hygiene), Navan (Nasya or nasal instillation of medicine or oily substance), Abhyanga (massage), Vyayama (exercise), Udvartana (rubbing of medicinal powder), Snana (bath) Bhojana (dietary habit), Indriyenigrahana (self-control of sense organs), earning for life, followed by Ratricharya (night routine).

Achara Rasayana is included in Dincharya. Achara Rasayana (code of conduct) concerns itself with behavior – physical, mental, and social. A set of behaviors that is an epitome of ethical-moral conduct. Conducts like; truth, nonviolence, devotion, self-control, mental, good communication, and personal hygiene that induces positive influences on the mind and body. This is one Rasayana which doesn’t have any medicine or herb.

Benefits of Dincharya

Dincharya is a daily regimen that provides a good quality of life, and also helps for disease-free life and peace of mind.

  • Dincharya helps us to keep a connection with nature.
  • Dincharya prevents us from diseases and makes our immune system stronger.
  • By following Dincharya, stress is released and there is a general feeling of happiness.
  • Dincharya most importantly play a role to keep our digestive system proper.
  • If we follow discipline in the form of Dincharya in our life, success is always around the corner to us. Dincharya makes our body and mind in a positive way
  • When we feel light in our body we feel relaxed and peace and happiness are always within us.
  • The nature of Dincharya is life promoting. It gets rid of body toxins and rejuvenates cell life which leads to Longevity.

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