Rasayana Therapy for Ojas

Rasayana is a therapeutic procedure used to replenish and rejuvenate structural entities of the body. Literally, Rasayana means the augmentation of the quality of Rasa, the vital fluid produced at the end of digestion of food.

The aim of Rasayana is not only to improve the quality of Rasa; but to provide the optimum quantity to all the body tissues. It is the Rasa flowing in the body which sustains life.

Rasayana is a specialized branch of clinical medicine meant for preventing the effect of ageing and to improve memory, intelligence, complexion, sensory and motor functions.

Rasayana (rejuvenation) is a Sanskrit word which means path of essence. The word Rasayana literally means the path that Rasa takes (Rasa: plasma; Ayana: path).

It is believed, in Ayurveda, that the qualities of the Rasadhatu influence the health of other Dhatus (tissues) of the body. Hence any medicine that improves the quality of Rasa (Rasayana) should strengthen or promote the health of all tissues of the body.

Rasayana drugs act inside the human body by modulating the neuro-endocrino-immune systems and have been found to be a rich source of antioxidants.

In Ayurvedic pharmacology, medicinal plants are classified into different groups according to their actions. One of these is the Rasayana group. In Rasayana therapy, rejuvenating herbal preparations are prescribed to strengthen the immune system and increase vitality in the mind and body.

There are many traditional Rasayanas; some nourish the tissues, some are rejuvenating, some strengthen the immune system, some increase strength, vitality and stamina, some balance the nervous system and some strengthen the reproductive system.

The most common Rasayana herbs include:

  1. Ashwagandha which pacifies and balances Vata
  2. Amalaki  which improves clarity of mind while also balancing both Pitta and Vata
  3. Brahmi and Manjista which pacify Pitta
  4. Turmeric for purifying the blood, eliminating excess mucus and soothing sore throats
  5. Ginger, black pepper and Pippali which improve the digestion and pacify Kapha
  6. Aloe Vera which cleanses the liver and blood and is good for balancing Pitta
  7. Licorice for balancing Vata
  8. Peppermint for balancing Pitta and Kapha
  9. Cinnamon, cayenne, ginger and clove for removing Ama (intermediate metabolite)

Properties of Rasayana plants:-

They prevent aging, re-establish youth, strengthen life, brain power and prevent diseases. All of which imply that they increase the resistance of the body against any onslaught.

However, one of the most truly magnificent Rasayanas is Chyawanaprash which has been used in India as an elixir of life for thousands of years.


Chyawanaprash is meticulously prepared with up to fifty different herbal compounds and has one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in any natural product.  It balances all three Doshas and can be taken on a daily basis to strengthen the physiology and protect the immune system.

Rasayana therapy as immunity booster

Rasayana Chikitsa is a specialized section of Ayurveda, which mainly deals with the preservation and promotion of health by revitalizing the metabolism and enhancing immunity.

In Charaka Samhita, Rasayana is described before disease. It shows importance of Rasayana because it improves immunity, delay aging process and provides disease free life.

In Ayurveda, all diseases are considered due to Tridosha and Rasayana are Tridosha Shamaka, so it is the best therapy for immunity booster.

Rasayana is not only a drug therapy but is a specialized procedure practiced in the form of rejuvenation recipes, dietary regimen and special health promoting right conduct and behavior i.e. Achara Rasayana.

Acharya Shushruta (an ancient Ayurvedic surgeon) while defining Rasayana therapy says that it arrests aging, increase life span, intelligence and strengthand thereby enable one to prevent disease.

Rasayana enhances the functions of the whole body system. Rasayana treatment for rejuvenation is done after the system is thoroughly cleansed by Panchakarma therapy.  Panchakarma is essentially a pre-treatment equipping the body tissues for Rasayana therapy.

A person, whose system is not been previously cleansed by proper purification remedies, cannot expect good results with Rasayana treatment.

Panchakarma is a method of purifying the body system by five methods called Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), including Asthapana (medicated enema) and Anuvasna, Nasya (nasal medication) and Rakta Mokshana (bloodletting).
  • Rasayana must be used regularly in everyday life in any form.
  • Rasayana can be used as a single drug or drug formulations.
  • Rasayana could be in any form like food, herb or behavior etc.

Types of Rasayana

Rasayana may broadly classified into four groups viz. Kamya Rasayana, Naimittika Rasayana, Medhya Rasayana and Achara Rasayana.

1. Kamya Rasayana:

The drugs which improve the health and vigour of a healthy person are known as Kamya Rasayana. Chyawanaprash is commonly used for this purpose.

2. Naimittika Rasayana:

The drugs used to increase the strength of diseased person are known as Naimittika Rasayana. It may be used as an adjunct to the specific medical treatment of a particular disease, so that the patient may be cured earlier.

3. Medhya Rasayana:

All the Rasayana drugs also improve the mental faculties in addition to their beneficial effects on the body, but the Medhya Rasayana are those drugs which have specific effect on mental performance. Shankhapushpi, Brahmi, Vaca etc. belong to this group.

4. Achara Rasayana:

The established rules of conduct, practice, usage, precept are also considered as means of Rasayana, which are known as Achara Rasayana. In it, any herbal medications is not used, it is only behavioral management.

Truth and fair speaking, cleanliness, understanding, balanced walking and sleeping, following the rules of climate, season and dosage, wholesome eating, almsgiving, spiritual temperament, nonviolence, avoiding of anger and over strain, restraining from alcohol, sex and hurting others etc. are considered as Achara Rasayana. The man who follows these rules lives long and requires no Rasayana drugs.

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